Cloud Solutions

With our years of experience, we help you choose the right setup for your move to the cloud. We evaluate and plan the migration and then implement your individual journey to the cloud together.

You will find our services and benefits around the cloud, especially tailored to SMEs, on the following subpages.

Microsoft  Azure

The cloud  from Microsoft's high-availability data centers. Accessible worldwide and  based on the latest technology in terms of security and efficiency.

To learn more

Swisscom  Cloud

Swisscom's  Swiss data center provides the highest standards of data security. Best.  choice to use it according to the company's needs.

To learn more

Microsoft Azure

The services and applications are flexibly put together individually foryour needs.

The Azure services are available globally, so no matterwhere you are, in Switzerland or in Asia you always have the fastest possibleplatform.

Take advantage of proven services such as Microsoft 365or Microsoft Dynamics. SMEs and start-ups in all industries now have the idealopportunity to store data in the cloud and meet regulatory requirements.

Regulated industries in particular benefit from beingable to ensure business continuity in the event of a disaster thanks to thegeo-redundancy of the two regions - which is a clear advantage.

You can choose:

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Azure Virtual Desktop (VDI)

Azure Backup

Azure Database (DB)

Azure Server

Azure Storage


Swisscom Cloud

As a Gold Partner of Swisscom, we are the direct contact for businesscustomers in all matters related to IT, cloud technology, telephony and theInternet.

As a Swisscom Cloud customer, you can take advantage ofthe following benefits:

·        A Swiss company with legal status inSwitzerland

·        Fast adaptation of IT systems in operation

·        High availability and performance, even forexternal access

·        Your data never leaves Switzerland

·        Secure and highly available solutions inSwisscom data centers with the highest security standards and geo-redundancy

·        We are your direct contact for all questionsregarding Swisscom products and solutions

Ready to talk?

Feel free to contact us